Metaphysicalu recommends adding any of these trusted practitioners to your self-care to support all three healing points: physical, mental, and spiritual.

Nancy & Efren offer non-invasive analysis called Nutrition Response Testing. Testing your neurological reflexes and determine how your nervous system is doing and how to develop a tailor-made nutritional program that will support and begin to heal your body.
Dr. Ben Spitzenberger and Dr. Gerard Liboiron D.C. bring you the ancient practice of bone setting in the modern world. Correcting Alignment issues in the neurological and skeletal system since 2007. Meet the Chiropractors.
Rebecca Ayer offers orthopedic massage & body mobilization techniques that aid in recovery of physical injury and muscular pain.

Beth Birdwell is licensed professional counselor associate with a Masters of Arts in Counseling. Healing in mind, body and spirt.
Access Bars and pragmatic tools to change things in your life that you haven't been able to change, until now. Experience Access Bars through certified MPU practitioners or other facilitators.
Dr. Bradley Nelson will share the simplest most powerful energy healing systems to empower you in self-healing.
Richard Holder certified hypnotherapist who works in Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives, Quantum Consciousness and so much more.

Elaine Ireland is a Tarot Master with over 45 years of experience, Elaine is a leader in psychic development. Online, in person, or over the phone 512-922-4723.
Jessie Prejean is a Spiritual Healer & Life Coach. His services include Energy Healing such as Reiki and Seichem, Intuitive Readings, and Mediumship.
Yaritza Torres, NEDA Member and Practitioner, is a Medium and End of Life Doula that incorporates multiple healing modalities to support the transition into the next life.
Alexis & Eric owners of City Alchemist Occult Books & Candles. Where the Witches shop. They have extensive knowledge in the occult and occult arts.